Register a cheap domain elsewhere only to discover when it has come up for renewal that the price has increased dramatically? We offer consistently low prices across registration and renewal. We feel it better for prices to be balanced to benefit existing customers, and not just to attract new customers.
If you have a domain elsewhere you can transfer the domain to us! Transferring most domains adds an additional year to the domain registration. So if you're existing domain provider is charging more to renew than our renewal cost, it would be the perfect time to move to us.
Your domain not due for renewal for a year or more? Transferring to us will also add a year to the majority of domains!
Under the name Fyrewire Hosting we have been operating in the domain and hosting industry for nearly 20 years, so you can trust we won't suddenly vanish overnight. We use the worlds largest ICANN Accredited Registrar PDR (Public Domain Registry) to ensure that our customers get access to the highest number of domains at the most competitive prices.
We strive to show that cheap prices does not mean poor support. Whether you have 1 domain or thousands of domains, your queries are our top priority. We know the industry and how technology works on an intimate level, so any queries or issues with your domain, as long as it is an aspect under our control we will be able to assist or tell you in easy to understand language what the solution is.